"Stability," a thought-provoking short story by Philip K. Dick, penned in 1947 but only published in 1987, envisions a world locked in a state of unyielding perfection called “Stability”. In this meticulously ordered society, progression has halted; innovation, whether in art or science, is staunchly repressed by authoritative forces. A set of stringent regulations ensures the preservation of this unaltered state, banning any relics or ideas from the past or speculative future to maintain the present's constancy.
Interestingly, although there's likely no direct connection, it's intriguing to note that Stability AI, a major player in the generative AI arena known for developing Stable Diffusion, opted for a name that echoes this theme. The parallel between Dick's narrative of shaping a stable, controlled reality from the tumultuous and the undefined, and Stability AI's aim of generating coherent images from noise, is thematically fascinating.
AI democratized creativity, allowing virtually anyone to craft remarkable works of art, literature, and soon potentially entire movies or songs, without “traditional” expertise in these domains.
This democratization brings us to a pivotal moment, akin to reaching a destination of sorts. I find it increasingly challenging to envision what the future holds in term of innovation. Are we on the cusp of an era reminiscent of Dick's "Stability"?
And if such a society dawns, who will challenge the norms once "Stability" takes hold?