sculpture merging 3D printing and vinyl wrapping by Baptiste Tavernier

The Depthlessness of 3D-printed Art: A Postmodern Perspective?


"Depthlessness," as Fredric Jameson posited in his "Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism," refers to a surface-level perception that eschews depth in favor of immediacy and simulacra. In postmodern art, this manifests as a focus on aesthetics over history, on the image over substance.

Put simply, many people today are drawn to cool images and and would not give two πŸ’© πŸ’© shits for deeper meaning. πŸ™‚ With depthlessness, the surface reigns supreme.

I've noticed numerous artists in Japan using 3D printing technologies to mass-produce πŸ¦„ street-manga-cute 🐈 🌈 , yet generic, characters, aiming to sell them for a quick buck. Symbolically, these artists create manifestations of binary code, layering flat material upon flat material to form depthless shapes that fail to stimulate the mind. However, as an artist who embraces postmodernity while striving to create depth with 3D printing and vinyl wrapping, I challenge this notion 😎 .


The Depth of 3D printed art

I aim to explore new frontiers and rekindle people's curiosity about the unconventional, the bizarre, the future, and hopefully add some excitement to life.

By combining elusive 3D-printed geometries with the glossy, almost hyperreal sheen of vinyl wrapping, I aim to create a seductive surface that both beckons and forbids the viewer to touchβ€”an intriguing object that not only pleases aesthetically but also inspires. They are dialogues between the digital and the physical, the synthetic and the organic, the depthless and the profound.

Many people tell me that 3D-printed art is not "real" art. They are often right, but not always. There are still those who are willing to give this medium a chance to be something more than just πŸ¦„ street-manga-cute 🐈 🌈 stuff. As we continue to push the boundaries of what art can be, let us not shy away from the depth that lies beneath the surface.

How do you perceive the intersection of technology and art? Does the concept of depthlessness in postmodern theory resonate with your experience of contemporary art?

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